Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Hampstead Heath / Kenwood House - North London

On a beautifully sunny afternoon in London what better place could you be than watching the shimmering cityscape whilst surrounded by beautiful landscape at Hampstead Heath?

As I wondered past Kenwood House I thought to myself "what a beautifully English country landscape scene" and then I realised that this was in fact enhanced by one of the most famous english landscape architects; Humphry Repton. Many of what we think of as typical english landscape scenes are in fact 18th century 'enhanced' landscapes created by garden designers such as Capability Brown and Humphry Repton. It is the sweeping lawns and perfect vistas that give it away.

Although it is only March, the gloriously warm spring sunshine had produced a flourish of spring bulbs that were revealing their vibrant colours around the bases of old trees.

An anomaly only really seen (or should I say heard) in London are the bright green Parakeets that sing in shrill voices in the leafless trees, adding an air of London eccentricity to the walk.

It's thirsty work all this walking around the parkland......